A Life Rescued great book to read presented by WestBow Press in date 2018-07-20 is very recommended to you if you find book about Fiction / Christian / General, . great book to read authored by Kim Ray Mishler, with page count 236 Pages. You can read book review at the bottom
Read A Life Rescued A Story of Redemption, Adoption, and Hope full pages
ISBN: 9781973631866
Although she is alone in the world without anyone to call family, Mandy Lewis has courageously begun to build a new life for herself. But when she discovers she is pregnant and is soon abandoned by the babys father, Mandy faces a difficult decision. Without finances or a support system to raise a child, she decides to abort the baby.
On the day of the scheduled abortion, Mandy feels confused, desperate, and lonely. When she meets Ayala Banks outside the clinic, the widow transforms Mandys life and the life of her unborn child with her story of redemption. After Mandy is invited into Ayalas home along with another young unwed mother, she eventually learns that through Gods grace, it is possible to overcome abandonment, shame, and grief to endure all of lifes challenges.
In this inspirational tale of hope and healing, a young woman dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is helped by a kindly widow who guides her to accept Gods redeeming love into her heart.
A Life Rescued
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