Comparative Eskimo Dictionary a good book to read alone presented by Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks at 1994 referenced with you if you find book with category Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous, . a good book to read alone made by Michael D. Fortescue, Michael Fortescue, Steven A. Jacobson, Lawrence D. Kaplan, Lawrence Kaplan, with page thickness 614 Pages. you can found description at the bottom
Buy Comparative Eskimo Dictionary With Aleut Cognates for free
ISBN: 9781555000516
This dictionary covers 10 Eskimo dialects (Alutiiq, Central Alaskan Yupik, Naukan, Central Siberian Yupik, Sirenik, Seward Peninsula Inuit, North Alaskan Inuit, Western Canadian Inuit, Eastern Canadian Inuit, Greenlandic Inuit). An introductory section details the classification of languages and dialects and their phonologies, and discusses the relationship of Eskimo and Aleut languages. Following this, the main section lists base words alphabetically, with dialectal variations. Subsequent sections address these categories of linguistic forms: forms from single Eskimo languages with proposed cognates in Aleut; postbases and enclitics; inflections; and demonstratives. Indexes are given separately for Aleut, Central Alaskan Yupik, Eastern Canadian Inuit, Greenlandic Inuit, and proto-form glosses. A dialect map with distribution of settlement is not included. Contains over 100 references. (MSE)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary
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