Sophie Finds a Home a book that offers a realistic story official by Archway Publishing in date 2021-02-02 is represented for you if you search book quote Juvenile Fiction / School & Education, Juvenile Fiction / Family / General, . a book that offers a realistic story writed by Marie Nakhoul MD, Karl Seif MD, with count of page 34 Pages. you can look book summary at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781665700832
Sophie is a beautiful and gentle soul who roams the starry sky with her friends. Although she is happy, she feels as if something was missing.
One by one, her friends begin finding homes and families on Earth, and Sophie wonders when her time will come. She waits and waits until she is all alone. Then, finally she finds two people in love who are excited to have her join their family. She sets out on a journey to Earth, and she lives and plays inside her mommy’s tummy until the day of her birth arrives. Then she has a family and a home on Earth.
This children’s story tells the tale of a soul coming to Earth and being born, introducing young readers to the ideas of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and family.
Sophie Finds a Home
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