The New Pregnancy & Childbirth this is a recommended book for you to read presented by Dorling Kindersley Limited in date 2011-01-20 is very recommended for you if you find book with category Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, . this is a recommended book for you to read made by Sheila Kitzinger, with count of page 448 Pages. you can look description at here
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ISBN: 9781405363327
A classic for all new parents, this book inspires, informs and reassures. From conception through to birth, Sheila Kitzinger describes what to expect and prepares parents-to-be for the physical changes ahead. Now includes information on Caesarean births, the birthing sling, sex during pregnancy, and nutrition. Encourages expectant parents to be actively involved in decisions about their antenatal care and birth method.
The New Pregnancy & Childbirth
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