Transcultural Health Care good book title promoted by F.A. Davis in the year 2008 is represented to you if you search book about Medical / Administration, Medical / Health Care Delivery, Medical / Nursing / Home & Community Care, Medical / Nursing / Social, Ethical & Legal Issues, . good book title authored by Larry D. Purnell, Betty J. Paulanka, with page count 427 Pages. You can read description of the book bellow
Read Transcultural Health Care A Culturally Competent Approach all pages
ISBN: 9780803618657
Prepare your students for the culturally rich and ethically diverse world in which they will practice. Noted researchers, educators, and clinicians, from a wealth of backgrounds, use the Purnell twelve-step model to examine more than 30 population groups from a health care perspective. Each brings a personal understanding of the traditions and customs of their societies, providing a unique perspective on the implications for patient care.
Transcultural Health Care
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