Composition Notebook whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book by Independently Published on 2019-10-23 is very recommended with you if you search book about . whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book authored by Babette Hoffmann, with page count 102 Pages. You can read sort description at the bottom
Purchase Composition Notebook Halloween Pregnancy Announcement April 2020 Pumpkin Feet Journal/Notebook Blank Lined Ruled 6x9 100 Pages all pages
ISBN: 9781702003988
Are you looking for a fun gift for someone close to you?
This is a perfect blank, lined notebook for men, women, and children. Great for taking down notes, reminders, and crafting to-do lists. Also a great creativity gift for decoration or for a notebook for school or office!
This notebook is an excellent accessory for your desk at home or at the office.
It's the perfect travel size to fit in a laptop bag or backpack. Use it on the go and you will keep all of your notes and reminders in organized in one place.
Professionally designed this 6x9 notebook provides the medium for you to detail your thoughts. Buy your notebook today and begin to fill the pre-lined pages with your heart's desire.
Fresh white paper
100 pages
6x9 inch format
Paper color: White
Composition Notebook
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