Carrying on is mandatory reading for anyone who is upset distribution by Rutgers University Press on 2022-01-14 is very recommended for you if you want book about . is mandatory reading for anyone who is upset composed by Brittany Cowgill, with count of page 240 Pages. you can found description at the bottom
Download Carrying on Another School of Thought on Pregnancy and Health for free
ISBN: 9781978801035
Carrying On is a learning project with one foot in the past and the other in the present - an exploration of our ideas about pregnancy and prevailing prenatal health norms, with an eye towards thinking about how history has shaped them.
Written by and for a curious expectant parent, Carrying On indulges in the experience of pregnancy through scholarship and contemplation. It rethinks issues at the center of prenatal health - ranging from morning sickness and weight gain guidelines to ultrasounds and induction - from another school of thought.
In the twenty-first century, pregnant women are inundated with information and advice but strapped for fresh perspective on thinking through it. Carrying On seeks to give them just that. Not a pregnancy advice book or a self-help text, Carrying On helps expecting parents make sense of the overwhelming amount of counsel available to them by shedding light on where it came from. When did we start taking prenatal vitamins, and why? When did the notion that pregnant women should "eat for two" originate? What about exercise guidelines? Or birth plans?
The medicine and culture of prenatal health are brimming with unanswered questions; in Carrying On, medical historian Brittany Cowgill considers how history and medicine together can help us begin to answer them.
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