Maternal Care a book offers a quality story time experience distribution by EBW Healthcare in date 2010-03 recommended for you if you want book with category . a book offers a quality story time experience writed by The Perinatal Education Programme, with count of page 388 Pages. you can look sort description at the bottom
Download Maternal Care A Health Professional's Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth full pages
ISBN: 9781920218270
Maternal Care addresses all the common and important problems that occur during pregnancy, labour, delivery and the puerperium. It covers: * the antenatal and postnatal care of healthy women with normal pregnancies * monitoring and managing the progress of labour * specific medical problems during pregnancy, labour and the puerperium * family planning * regionalised perinatal care Skills workshops teach clinical examination in pregnancy and labour, routine screening tests, the use of an antenatal card and partogram, measuring blood pressure, detecting proteinuria and performing and repairing an episiotomy. Maternal Care is aimed at healthcare workers in level 1 hospitals or clinics.
Maternal Care
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