Marriage and Mandatory Abortion Among the 17th-century Siraya for a book lover released by American Anthropological Assoc. in date 1995 is very recommended to you if you want book about Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships, Social Science / Anthropology / Cultural & Social, Social Science / Demography, . for a book lover writed by John Robert Shepherd, with page thickness 99 Pages. you can see book review at the bottom
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ISBN: 9780913167717
"This is an excellent piece of historical ethnography."Masaharu Asian Ethnology "a well- researched and elegantly written slim volume" Boomgaard Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde "Fortunately, this important monograph has been reissued and is now readily available to those interested." Jacobs, The China Journal A detailed ethnographic description of the Siraya, the Austronesian inhabitants of pre-Dutch southwestern Taiwan, and the practice of mandated abortion for all young wives. By placing Siraya customs of marriage, pregnancy taboos, and massage abortion in historical and cultural context, this monograph provides new solutions to the puzzle of Siraya mandatory abortion.
Marriage and Mandatory Abortion Among the 17th-century Siraya
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