Williams Obstetrics best book to read promoted by McGraw-Hill in date 2001 is very recommended for you if you search book with category Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . best book to read made by F. Gary Cunningham, John Whitridge Williams, Kenneth J. Leveno, Norman F. Gant, Larry C. Gilstrap, Steven L. Clark, John C. Hauth, Katharine D. Wenstrom, with count of page 1668 Pages. you can found book description at here
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ISBN: 9780838596470
The new 21st edition of Williams Obstetrics maintains its strong evidence-based approach and includes more than 4,000 new references, updated guidelines, and a new easy access format in a 2-color design. Rigorously referenced and cohesively written, the hallmarks of Williams Obstetrics are its thoroughness, scientific basis, and practical applicability for the obstetrician at the bedside. The book maintains its strong evidence based approach whereby management guidelines and recommendations are evaluated on analysis of the scientific literature. New features include: * New Editors John Hauth and Katharine Wenstrom bring special expertise in the field of evidence-based clinical medicine and state-of-the art application of CLINICAL and MOLECULAR GENETICS as they pertain to obstetrics * UPDATED GUIDELINES and STANDARDS of CARE reflect the current scope of practice * New Streamlined format features QUICK-READ CHAPTER OUTLINES and highlighted key sentences that pinpoint critical information * NEW CHAPTERS inform on hot topics: preconceptional counseling, induction and augmentation of labor, chronic hypertension, more* 250 NEW FIGURES AND TABLES illuminate key information
Williams Obstetrics
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