Pregnant with Heart and Soul a book offers a quality story time experience released by Binkey Kok at 2009 is very recommended to you if you find book quote Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . a book offers a quality story time experience writed by Riet Van Rooij, with page count 159 Pages. You can read description at here
Reading Pregnant with Heart and Soul for free
ISBN: 9789078302247
Pregnancy and giving birth to a child are highly earthbound and spiritual experiences at the same time. As far as the earthly side of things is concerned; investment of time and attention is of course obvious. In our culture we are submerged in preventive care and useful pieces of advice. The soul side--of the unborn as well as the parents-to-be--gets little attention. This book aims to fill this gap. Pregnant With Heart and Soul wishes to inspire you, as a parent-to-be, but to also focus on the emotional and spiritual aspects during pregnancy, birth and maternity. It's a book full of experiences, help and suggestions. The central theme is the view that from as early on as the conception you can make contact with your baby. You can do this by means of internal conversation and with the help of exercises or by dancing with the baby in your belly. For that you can make use of the music and visualizations on the accompanying CD. Pregnant With Heart and Soul also shows how to cope with fear and tension constructively and which role the father can have during pregnancy and birth. Parents-to-be get tips on how to welcome the baby and to celebrate his or her birth. Pregnancy coaches will find all sorts of ideas that can be integrated into their own way of working. The methods described constitute ready-made lesson material. Pregnant with Heart and Soul is a book that is born from the authors' heart.
Pregnant with Heart and Soul
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