Skin Like Dawn a good book for you, by BookCountry in the year 2013-09-06 is very good for you if you find book with category Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, . a good book for you, composed by Jade Alyse, with page thickness 1 Pages. you can found book description at here
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ISBN: 9781463003005
Dreams are ruthlessly shattered and truths become commonplace in this follow up to 2011's When You Come to Me. With the prospect of becoming the successful and nurturing pediatrician vehemently tossed out of the window with the announcement of her unexpected pregnancy, Natalie must face the fact that she is now a married woman, and must sacrifice her happiness for the sake of Brandon’s and the growing baby inside her. With resources scarce and time fleeting, Brandon makes the ridiculous leap across the country, to accept a loftier position in Portland, Oregon...without telling Natalie. Brandon then becomes controlling, forcefully suggesting to his new bride, that her place is in the home, where he knows she’s safe in a new city. Resentful and jaded by her husband’s alternative brand of protection, Natalie rebels in a fashion that no one could ever see coming, and a wealthy young socialite with a womanizing reputation soon occupies her well-placed tunnel vision.
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