Pharmacology for Midwives one of the 1000 books to read official by Macmillan International Higher Education in the year 2010-06-30 is represented for you if you search book quote Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Nursing / Pharmacology, Medical / Pharmacology, Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, . one of the 1000 books to read made by Sue Jordan, with count of page 512 Pages. you can found book detail at the bottom
Read Pharmacology for Midwives The Evidence Base for Safe Practice for free
ISBN: 9780230365704
The new edition of this ground-breaking text is an essential resource for the management of drugs during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. Fully updated in line with current midwifery practice, it includes new chapters on Disorders of the Immune System and Recreational Drugs, and expanded coverage of pain relief.
Pharmacology for Midwives
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