The Dark Diceman a book that offers a realistic story by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform on 2014-05-06 recommended with you if you find book about . a book that offers a realistic story authored by Walter Joseph Schenck, Jr., with count of page 254 Pages. You can read book review at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781499385816
"Schenck (Priests and Warriors, 2013, etc.) presents the picaresque adventures of a sexual messiah in this novel. The ancient elders and power brokers of the planet Nuevo-Zillow-Pillow, after thousands of years of working on genetic manipulations, have finally managed to arrange for a human woman on Earth to give birth to a savior for both planets. Nuevo-Zillow-Pillow is an advanced world, free of war and economic inequality, but it's been decades since a child was born there, and Earth, though violent and fertile, is racing toward Armageddon. The child, Malik, is expected to rescue both worlds through the sheer perfection of his spirit, mind and body-particularly one part of his body, which is praised by several characters (including Malik himself) throughout the course of the book ("His powers impregnated thousands of the planet's choicest women"). Malik is born to a humble human woman and a huckster preacher; later, he's befriended by Liz and Trey, both of whom will play important roles in his adult life. As an adult, Malik grows to become a sexual dynamo who gradually settles down to work in a mortgage financing firm at the peak of the housing bubble.
The Dark Diceman
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