A Primer of Chemical Pathology a book that is just right for you, by World Scientific in date 1996 is very good for you if you want book quote Medical / Pathology, . a book that is just right for you, writed by E. S. C. Koay, Noel Walmsley, with page count 396 Pages. you can found book description at here
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ISBN: 9789810225711
This book has been written primarily for medical students and junior doctors in clinical practice, but would also be a useful reference for postgraduate students in chemical pathology (clinical biochemistry), laboratory scientists, pathologists and medical laboratory technologists. It covers the field of chemical pathology, the biochemical basis of disease, and provides a basic understanding of the relationship between abnormal biochemical test results and disease states. A rational approach to proper selection and interpretation of biochemical investigations is adopted for each organ system or analyte covered in the 28 chapters. Emphasis is placed on areas and problems most commonly met with in clinical practice. Meant primarily as an introductory study book to the subject rather than as a reference text, the materials have been presented in a clear, condensed format to aid the study process. The written text is amply supplemented with relevant illustrations.
A Primer of Chemical Pathology
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