A Time to be Born this is a famous book distribution by Jewish Publication Society in date 1998 is represented for you if you want book about Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, Religion / Judaism / General, Religion / Judaism / Rituals & Practice, . this is a famous book authored by Michele Klein, with count of page 336 Pages. you can see book summary bellow
Read A Time to be Born Customs and Folklore of Jewish Birth all pages
ISBN: 9780827606081
A time to be born is unlike any other book about childbirth in that it draws upon many Jewish sources, including prayers, folktales, folk remedies, and biblical, rabbinical, and mystical literature, as well as the author's own field work, to explore childbirth within a Jewish context, regardless of where one is placed on the secular-to-Orthodox spectrum. Author Michele Klein, a psychologist, interviewed expectant parents, grandparents, and midwives to incorporate a contemporary perspective on the joy and miracle of childbirth. A time to be born preserves the rich Jewish folklore surrounding childbirth, which is little known and is gradually disappearing from the Jewish community's memory. Expectant families, community workers, and even health care professionals will find the book helpful and informative.
A Time to be Born
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