For a Blissful Baby is a book that contains knowledge presented by Samhita Productions in date 2001-09 referenced for you if you find book with category Health & Fitness / Healthy Living, Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, Medical / Alternative & Complementary Medicine, . is a book that contains knowledge made by Kumuda Reddy, Linda Egenes, Margaret Mullins, with page thickness 256 Pages. you can found description of the book bellow
Buy For a Blissful Baby Healthy and Happy Pregnancy with Maharishi Vedic Medicine full pages
ISBN: 9781929297016
Your baby is cosmic -- like a whole new universe. You are blissful, adoring, nurturing, and exhausted. Never have you needed such unlimited reserves. Here is the help that you need! Here are indispensable, practical, tips for expectant and new mothers; what every mother must know to provide the best environment at every stage of her baby's growth -- even before conception; diet, exercise, daily routine, and simple massage instructions; holistic principles that enliven nature's intelligence; fully compatible with contemporary obstetric care; and scientific references and case histories. All of this is presented in an easy-to-read style, geared for busy moms.
For a Blissful Baby
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