Marshall’s Physiology of Reproduction a good book to read alone distribution by Springer Science & Business Media in date 2013-04-17 referenced for you if you search book about Science / Life Sciences / Zoology / General, Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . a good book to read alone writed by G.E. Lamming, with page thickness 1362 Pages. you can found book detail bellow
Download Marshall’s Physiology of Reproduction Volume 3 Pregnancy and Lactation all pages
ISBN: 9789401112864
The most comprehensive review available today, Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction is the classic reference source for teachers and researchers of animal reproduction. Internationally recognised leaders in their respective fields provide an analytical synopsis of the area, review current research and outline their philosophical approach to the subject. Volume 3 of the fourth edition reviews the processes of pregnancy and lactation in mammals, incorporating marsupials, non-primate eutherians and primates including man. Book one covers pregnancy from ovulation to pre-parturition, book two reviews fetal physiology, parturition and lactation. The extensive coverage of the physiology of human reproduction and lactation makes this volume a particularly important reference source for researchers in human fertility control, while the review of large animal reproduction is relevant to veterinary and para-veterinary workers.
Marshall’s Physiology of Reproduction
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