Things Drunk People Say great book to read released by Skyhorse Publishing Inc. in date 2009-08 recommended for you if you want book with category Cooking / Beverages / Alcoholic / Bartending & Cocktails, Humor / General, Humor / Form / Parodies, Humor / Topic / Adult, Humor / Topic / Animals, Humor / Topic / Men, Women & Relationships, Humor / Form / Anecdotes & Quotations, Humor / Topic / Celebrity & Popular Culture, Humor / Topic / History, . great book to read authored by Kathleen Go, with page count 144 Pages. You can read book review at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781602396425
The drunken muddled words you forgot you said (or wished you could forget), were picked up by bar-hopping eavesdroppers and are here for all to see. The drunk dials, teary-eyed confessions, incoherent warbles, and slurs of the pseudo-intellectual and sexually ridiculous are Things Drunk People Say. This is a collection of sometimes crass, always absurd drunk quotes, ranging from the tipsy to the moderately intoxicated to the fully inebriated: What did I tell you my name was? I have entered the bowels of drunkenness. This bar is as hot as a uterus. I'm too broke to be this wasted! Pregnancy is the new hangover. You suck at drunk sex. A bold graphic design makes Things Drunk People Say more than just a collection of quotes. Artists whose visions drive high-concept advertising, typography, web design and print provide a vibrant playground for the surprisingly revealing words of the inebriated contributors. This book is a must-have for the boozing social butterflies of today's world. If you appreciate laughter, debauchery, and not taking life too seriously, this book's for you!
Things Drunk People Say
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