Women’s Gynecologic Health a title book to read published by Jones & Bartlett Publishers at 2016-07-29 recommended to you if you want book with category Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, Medical / Physician & Patient, . a title book to read writed by Schuiling, Frances E. Likis, with count of page 890 Pages. you can see description at the bottom
Reading Women’s Gynecologic Health for free
ISBN: 9781284076028
Women’s Gynecologic Health, Third Edition is a trusted, comprehensive, and evidence-based text that presents women’s gynecologic health from a woman-centered and holistic viewpoint. Encompassing both health promotion and management of gynecologic conditions, it provides clinicians and students with a strong foundation in gynecologic care and the knowledge necessary to apply it in clinical practice. With an emphasis on the importance of respecting the normalcy of female physiology, it is an essential reference for all women’s healthcare providers. The Third Edition includes four new chapters on prenatal and postpartum care, including anatomy and physiologic adaptations of normal pregnancy, diagnosis of pregnancy and overview of prenatal care, common complications of pregnancy, and postpartum care.
Women’s Gynecologic Health
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