First Malaysian Rersort Oriented Maternity Centre, Cyberjaya is a long and complex book by Universiti Putra Malaysia on 2006 recommended to you if you find book with category . is a long and complex book composed by Nurul Hujjah Che Daud, with count of page 186 Pages. you can look book summary at the bottom
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Pregnancy is a time of changes, natural and the most beautiful time. The beautifulness of the situation supposedly to be appreciated in a beauty and at the standard place also especially for childbirth time. From the study done, the current situation of the place is sadly typical concept either treatment services as well as spaces for maternal needs especially at every level of gestation time. Sometimes, I could be described as a series of disturbances (Barbara, 1988). Aware about the condition, the author proudly to introduce the new concept of childbirth place where Cyberjaya has been chosen as the trial place for the implementation of new concept; Resort Oriented Maternity Center. The concept mainly is all about new types of services, treatment as well design consideration for each stage of the pregnancy. By choosing Cyberjaya as a site project, the author's truly concern of their needs are achieved via the intelligence of MSC in management as well as services. The landscape enhancement for the project accurately concern on the amazing process of fetal development. From the design, people can see all moms scarifying during pregnancy process are been appreciated into landscape and also provided an outdoor knowledge about pregnancy, relationship and care instead being a most interesting relaxation place in the Resort Oriented Maternity Center. Finally, the new proposals of the childbirth place and how it looking in the stage design hopefully becomes a new inspiration in developing new childbirth image in Malaysia.
First Malaysian Rersort Oriented Maternity Centre, Cyberjaya
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