Protecting Your Baby-to-be can buy the paperback book official by Da Capo Press in date 1995-03-20 recommended to you if you search book quote Medical / General, . can buy the paperback book authored by Margie Profet, with page count 312 Pages. you can found book review at here
Read Protecting Your Baby-to-be Preventing Birth Defects In The First Three Months Of Pregnancy full pages
ISBN: 9780201407686
In Protecting Your Baby-to-Be, Margie Profet explains how pregnancy sickness has evolved to shield the embryo from potentially harmful plant toxins found in many vegetables and herb teas, in bacteria, and in other substances that can cause birth defects in the crucial first three months. She outlines good and bad foods, explains the process of how foods affect the embryo, and - for the first time - makes a woman who is feeling bad (from pregnancy sickness) feel good about it, because her distress is actually helping the embryo.
Protecting Your Baby-to-be
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