Richard's Story whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book promoted by Trafford Publishing in the year 2007 is very recommended to you if you want book quote . whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book writed by Kathleen Gomm, with page count 197 Pages. you can found book description bellow
Reading Richard's Story full pages
ISBN: 9781425133061
After a difficult birth and deprivation of oxygen, Richard didn't develop normally, and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, unlikely ever to use his limbs or to speak. His parents were appalled when doctors told them he was not of normal intelligence and that they should put him into a home, forget him and start their family again.
They refused to accept it and this inspiring book by his mother, describes their heroic struggle against all odds to help him to learn to read, write and communicate with the help of a pointer strapped to his head. At first communication was through a letter board, but later a computer. He gained a place at grammar school and a university education at York, where he gained a BA (Hons) and culminating in a PhD from the University of Wales at Swansea. He also wrote two books of poems which expressed his feelings and his care for others and learned to paint.
Despite his enormous difficulties and life in a wheelchair, he was able to accept and give a great deal of love. The family greatly valued Richard and later a sister, Debbie, arrived and then a brother, Michael. Now, it is hoped that this amazing story of love, courage and faith, will bring encouragement to others who may be in a similar position.
Richard's Story
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