Women's Health and Biomechanics this book contributes to knowledge you by Springer at 2018-01-09 referenced with you if you want book about Science / Mechanics / Solids, Technology & Engineering / Mechanical, Technology & Engineering / Biomedical, Medical / Biochemistry, Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Sports Medicine, Technology & Engineering / Manufacturing, Medical / Allied Health Services / Imaging Technologies, . this book contributes to knowledge you writed by Sofia Brandão, Thuane Da Roza, Isabel Ramos, Teresa Mascarenhas, with page thickness 231 Pages. you can see book summary at the bottom
Purchase Women's Health and Biomechanics Where Medicine and Engineering Meet for free
ISBN: 9783319715742
This book focuses on particular mental and physical aspects of women’s health, presenting topics concerning the pelvis and pelvic floor dysfunction and the breast during a woman’s life, such as rehabilitation for pelvic and breast disorders, and the benefits of biomechanical analysis in treating these conditions. With each chapter providing a brief survey of a major research area related to the theme, the book offers an integrated overview of topics such as the bio-psycho-social model of women’s health, pelvic floor evaluation in sports, the breast, pregnancy and delivery. It is a valuable resource for a wide range of readers, including researchers, graduates and professionals.
Women's Health and Biomechanics
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