Connections and Parallels Between Humanistic Psychology and Modern Dance at Jacob's Pillow is the best book to read presented by E. Mellen Press in the year 2004 is very recommended with you if you want book with category Performing Arts / Dance / Modern, Psychology / Movements / Gestalt, . is the best book to read composed by Hadassah H. Hoffman, with count of page 206 Pages. you can look description of the book at here
Read Connections and Parallels Between Humanistic Psychology and Modern Dance at Jacob's Pillow for free
ISBN: 9780773462267
This study explores how the development of humanistic psychology paralleled the evolution of modern dance, and what the connections were between the fields as they grew. This is a study of three fields developing within the 20th century. It demonstrates the relevance of the arts to humanistic psychology, and the ways in which the psychologists and dancers influenced each other.
Connections and Parallels Between Humanistic Psychology and Modern Dance at Jacob's Pillow
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