Easy Labor this is a book that is recommended for you to read promoted by Random House Publishing Group in the year 2009-06-03 referenced for you if you search book quote Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Health & Fitness / Women's Health, . this is a book that is recommended for you to read composed by William Camann, Kathryn Alexander, with page count 336 Pages. you can found description of the book bellow
Reading Easy Labor Every Woman's Guide to Choosing Less Pain and More Joy During Childbirth all pages
ISBN: 9780307484093
Far too many expectant mothers find themselves unprepared when labor begins and natural techniques don’t effectively manage the pain. This indispensable guide provides reassuring, proven approaches to combining medical and natural techniques to ensure the most comfortable pain-free labor possible. In Easy Labor, you’ll discover
• what to expect during labor, and key factors that affect your comfort
• the facts on epidurals, safety concerns, and how effectively they reduce pain
• the pros and cons of pain-relief medications
• complementary and alternative methods, including water immersion, acupuncture, hypnosis, massage, and birth balls
• how your choice of hospital or birth center affects your pain-management options
• techniques to calm and eliminate the specific fears and stresses associated with childbirth
So relax and enjoy your pregnancy, with this important book by your side!
Easy Labor
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