Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 7 can buy the paperback book released by Elsevier Science & Technology Books in date 1995 is very good with you if you find book quote Science / General, . can buy the paperback book made by Raimund Apfelbach, with page thickness 647 Pages. you can look book content at the bottom
Purchase Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 7 Proceedings of the Chemical Signals in Vertebrates Symposium 7, Held in Tubingen, Germany on 17-22 July 1994 full pages
ISBN: 9780080424941
This is the seventh in a series of books on chemocommunication and chemical ecology in animals from fish to humans. This volume grew out of the Symposium on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VII, hosted in July 1994 in Germany. More than 200 scientists from 22 countries contributed to the symposium and this book. Expression of olfactory receptors, effects of the major histocompatibility complex and of bacteria on semiochemicals are "growing points" of the young disciplines of chemoreception and chemocommunication studies. They are balanced by a strong field of behavior studies in a broad array of taxa. Investigations of sensory inputs deal with olfaction, vomolfaction, taste and terminal nerve. The breadth of the topics covert attests to the vigor and importance of the study of chemical signals in vertebrates, including, of course, humans.
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 7
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