The Rough Guide to Pregnancy and Birth good book title by Rough Guides at 2001 is very recommended for you if you want book with category . good book title authored by Kaz Cooke, with count of page 422 Pages. You can read book review at here
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ISBN: 9781858287652
This guide to pregancy and birth includes the following topics: how to prepare for pregnancy and your baby; crying, eating, weeing and working, blokes, bosoms and busybodies; nausea and other side effects; choosing how and where you give birth; what tests are like and what they're for; stretch marks, maternity and baby clothes, NCT classes, baby names and how to be rude to complete strangers; childbirth and pain relief, what to expect in hospital; and breastfeeding for beginners, and what it's like with a newborn baby.
The Rough Guide to Pregnancy and Birth
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