Blokes and Babies this book unearths the mysteries arguably the most controversial book of all time promoted by Lothian Books in date 2005 referenced for you if you search book about . this book unearths the mysteries arguably the most controversial book of all time composed by Brad Storey, with count of page 196 Pages. you can look sort description at the bottom
Download Blokes and Babies Tips and Tactics for Surviving Pregnancy and the First Twelve Months full pages
ISBN: 9780734408174
When first-time fatherhood is looming, men often don't know what awaits them...This is a humorous but helpful guide for all expectant fathers, Blokes and Babies demonstrates how to be a sensitive caring dad while maintaining a blokey, rugged exterior for your mates Brad Storey offers practical advice, hilarious anecdotes and answers the questions new fathers and fathers-to be have been afraid to ask...straightforward and useful things like: hormones - she's got 'em; morning sickness vs. hangover; pram envy; birth; breasts; sex - those were the days; sleeping; feeding; and much, much more.
Blokes and Babies
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