Living Wellness a good book to read in my spare time presented by Topanga Directory's Living Wellness in the year 2001-05 recommended for you if you want book about . a good book to read in my spare time composed by Topanga Directory's Living Wellness, The, with count of page 232 Pages. you can see description of the book at here
Download Living Wellness Journal and Guide to Holistic Practices and Providers for free
ISBN: 9780966640212
Living Wellness is a Directory and Journal of Complimentary Practices and Providers for the Los Angeles area. It provides detail for each participating practitioner's approach in their work as well as an explanation of each modality. Included are area practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopaths and holistic medical doctors as well as massage therapy, yoga, and different bodywork practices such as Pilates and Hellerwork. The journal section includes an interesting array of articles by doctors, psychologists, philosophers and spiritual leaders from various communities; with such titles as, Soul Retrieval for Modern Medicine, A Better Birth, Calling the Council, In Search of a Mentor, Illness as Transformation and Quantum Leap/Creativity to Health.
Living Wellness
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