Massage for a Peaceful Pregnancy and DVD Set You're hunting for your dream a book, choose this book official by Arcata Arts on 2014-06-20 referenced to you if you find book with category . You're hunting for your dream a book, choose this book made by Gordon Inkeles, with count of page 144 Pages. You can read book content at the bottom
Purchase Massage for a Peaceful Pregnancy and DVD Set full pages
ISBN: 9781941375013
Packaged with The Art of Sensual Massage DVD by Gordon Inkeles, this easy-to-learn program of massage techniques guides expectant parents every step of the way during pregnancy--from the first month through full recovery. Powerful techniques for relaxation and stress control are featured on every page. Everything works as promised. You will be massaging ten minutes after you bring the book home.The DVD shows you exactly how much pressure to use and which rhythms work best. You'll use it for years after your pregnancy to bring sensual massage into your life.
Massage for a Peaceful Pregnancy and DVD Set
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