Women's Primary Health Care a book that is just right for you, distribution by McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division on 2000 is very recommended for you if you want book about Health & Fitness / Women's Health, Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . a book that is just right for you, writed by Vicki L. Seltzer, Warren H. Pearse, with page count 1216 Pages. you can look book description at the bottom
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ISBN: 9780070580442
With contributions by more than 70 leading authorities on women's health! Addresses the range of health issues encountered by women throughout their lives!
WOMEN'S PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, 2nd Edition takes you beyond traditional obstetric and gynecologic medicine to update you on the complete health care needs of women of all ages. For office-based OB/GYNs looking to expand their practice into primary and preventive health care, this informative resource serves as an ideal reference.
Covers what you must know about ambulatory health care for women.
This meticulously revised edition offers thoughtful, balanced coverage on all aspects of care, including prevention; varying health care needs at different stages of women's lives; reproductive health and disorders of the reproductive system; general health; psychiatric and psychosocial issues, and common office diagnostic procedures. Throughout the text, the emphasis is on the role of physicians as educators and promoters of women's wellness.
New and revised chapters alert you to vital issues in women's health care.
In every chapter of WOMEN'S PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, 2nd Edition, you'll find updated and revised coverage, to keep you informed of important trends and developments. What's more, these all-new chapters address some of the most recent concerns and procedures relating to women's health today:
*Alternative Medicine
*Patient Education in the Office
*Treatment of Obesity
*Alcohol and Drug Use in Women
*Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
*Role of Fine Needle Aspiration in Clinical Practice
*Genetic Testing
Plus, an expanded color plate section now offers double the amount of full-colorillustrations! New ophthalmology and simple pathology illustrations enhance recognition and speed diagnosis of common disorders.
With its unique focus on ambulatory women's health care and its comprehensive coverage of all facets of women's health, WOMEN'S PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, 2nd Edition, is essential reading for OB/GYNs who will be or have become primary care providers to their patients. Send now and put this helpful resource to work in your practice!
Women's Primary Health Care
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