Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals great book to read distribution by Springer Nature at 2019-12-13 recommended with you if you want book with category Medical / Preventive Medicine, Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, Medical / Public Health, Medical / General, Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . great book to read composed by Reiko Kishi, Philippe Grandjean, with count of page 557 Pages. you can found description of the book at here
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ISBN: 9789811505201
This book provides concise and cutting-edge studies on threats resulting from exposure to environmental chemicals that can affect human health and development, with a particular emphasis on the DOHaD concept. The book is divided into five main parts, the first of which includes an introduction to the impacts of developmental exposure to environmental chemicals and historical perspectives, while the second focuses on how environmental chemicals can affect human organs, including neurodevelopment, immune functions, etc. In turn, the third part addresses the characteristics of specific chemicals and their effects on human health and development, while the fourth part provides a basis for future studies by highlighting the latest innovations in toxicology, remaining challenges, and promising strategies in children’s environmental health research, as well as ideas on how to bridge the gap between research evidence and practical policymaking. The fifth and last part outlines further research directions and related policymaking aspects.
Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals will appeal to young and veteran researchers, students, and physicians (especially gynecologists and pediatricians) who are seeking comprehensive information on how children’s health can be affected by harmful chemicals and other environmental toxicants.
Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
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