My Pregnancy Journal online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book released by Andrews McMeel Publishing at 2007-06 is very recommended for you if you find book with category Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Photography / Subjects & Themes / Children, . online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book made by Anne Geddes, with page thickness 96 Pages. you can found book summary at the bottom
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ISBN: 9780740769658
Babies as snoozing hedgehogs. Babies as beatific butterflies. Babies as tiny fairies dwelling in a magical garden. These are the inhabitants of Anne Geddes' gorgeous book Down in the Garden, an extraordinary ode to tiny babies and the enchantment they bring to life.In Geddes' Down in the Garden, the world-famous photographer has captured newborns in a variety of mythical poses: brightly colored flowers with babies peeking out from behind them, sleeping babies snuggled inside bright green peapods, sprightly gnomes with darling baby faces. All come together to make Geddes' Down in the Garden an artistic masterpiece unlike any other.This small hardcover edition of Down in the Garden features all the striking images from the internationally best-selling full-size volume in a more intimate, gift-size package. Complemented by gently humorous text, the images in Down in the Garden reflect Geddes' appreciation for the beauty and innocence of babies. Her unique imagery immediately communicates her deep and abiding love of children in a universal language understood by people everywhere.
My Pregnancy Journal
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