101 Amazing Facts about Mary Shelley this book contributes to knowledge you promoted by Andrews UK Limited in the year 2014-05-28 referenced for you if you search book about Biography & Autobiography / Literary, Reference / Trivia, . this book contributes to knowledge you writed by Jack Goldstein, Isabella Reese, with page count 26 Pages. You can read book review at here
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ISBN: 9781783337668
Did you know that the idea for Frankenstein came to Mary Shelley in a vivid dream? Or that her many of her loved ones suffered tragic deaths? What are her most famous quotes? And what did she say when rejecting a marriage proposal from actor, poet and playwright John Howard Payne? This fascinating book contains over one hundred facts about Shelley, organised into categories for easy reading. Whether you are studying the author for a project or you are just interested in finding out more about the creator of one of the most enduring monsters of all time, this is the book for you.
101 Amazing Facts about Mary Shelley
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