You're Grounded Till You're Thirty! as a self-help book for people by Hearst Books in the year 2001-09 recommended to you if you find book about Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, . as a self-help book for people made by Judith E. Craig, with page thickness 196 Pages. you can see sort description at the bottom
Purchase You're Grounded Till You're Thirty! What Works and What Doesn't in Parenting Teens Today for free
ISBN: 9781588160720
Adolescence can be a tumultuous time -- for teens and for parents. Here, author-psychologist Judi Craig delivers down-to-earth, practical guidance in an accessible "problem/solution" format to help guide you and your teens through these potentially troublesome years. From familiar challenges like messy rooms, phone or computer marathons, and homework hassles to more serious issues such as sexuality, depression, and substance abuse, "You're Grounded Till You're Thirty!" offers ways to approach, discuss, and resolve the situation -- without creating a war between the generations. Book jacket.
You're Grounded Till You're Thirty!
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