Nephrology Secrets one of the top 10 books to read released by Hanley & Belfus at 2003 is very good with you if you want book with category Medical / Nephrology, Medical / Test Preparation & Review, Medical / Urology, . one of the top 10 books to read made by Donald E. Hricik, John R. Sedor, with page count 323 Pages. you can look book review at here
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ISBN: 9781560535027
Students and practitioners alike often find nephrology to be a difficult subject, with its emphasis on chemical relationships and acid-base and electrolyte imbalances and disorders. Nephrology Secrets, 2nd Edition, in its easy-to-read Q&A format, is a convenient and highly practical resource for understanding the 73 of the most important topics in nephrology. The three editors represent the nephrology section chiefs at the three major teaching hospitals affiliated with Case Western Reserve University. They know the most important questions to ask, and provide the most succinct answers. New chapters include Renal Disease and Hypertension Associated with Pregnancy, Management of Patients with Progressive Renal Failure, and Nutrition in Dialysis Patients.
- Entirely revamped or new chapters include drug therapy in renal disease, hepatorenal syndrome, renal disease in pregnancy, management of patients with progressive renal failure, nutrition in dialysis patients, and continuous renal replacement therapy
- Chapters with especially major revisions and updating include all chapters dealing with specific renal disorders, end-stage renal disease, and electrolyte disorders
Nephrology Secrets
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