Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! Book For Free [eBook]

Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! is the best book released by Mango Media on 2021-03-16 referenced to you if you search book with category SELF-HELP / General, . is the best book made by Shanicia Boswell, with page count 338 Pages. you can see sort description bellow

Read Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! The Ultimate Guide to Black Pregnancy and Motherhood (for New Moms) full pages

Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! book cover
ISBN: 9781642504989

What to Expect When You're Black, Pregnant, and Expecting

"This book stands as the modern-day guide to birthing while Black." ―Angelina Ruffin-Alexander, certified nurse midwife, owner of Touch of Osun Midwifery Services

#1 New Release in Pregnancy & Childbirth and Minority Demographic Studies, Medical Ethics, and Women's Health Nursing

Written with lighthearted humor and cultural context, Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! discusses the stages of pregnancy, labor, and motherhood as they pertain to pregnant Black women today.

Tailored to today's pregnant Black woman. In the age of social media, how do pregnant women communicate their big announcement? What are the best protective hairstyles for labor? Most importantly, how many pregnancy guides focus on issues like Black maternal birth rates and what it really looks like to be Black, pregnant, and single today? Written for the modern pregnant Black woman, Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! is the essential what to expect when you're expecting guide to understanding pregnancy from a millennial Black mom's point of view.

Interviews, stories, and advice for pregnant women. Written by Black Moms Blog founder, Shanicia Boswell, Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! tackles hard topics in a way that truly resonate with modern Black moms. With stories from her experiences through pregnancy, labor, and motherhood, and lessons learned as a mother at twenty-two, Oh Sis, You're Pregnant! focuses on the common knowledge Black pregnant mothers should consider when having their first baby. It also shares topics beneficial to pregnant Black women on their second, third, or fourth born.

Inside you'll find answers to questions like, how:

  • Do I financially plan for my birth?
  • Can I maintain my relationship and friendships during motherhood?
  • Will I self-advocate for my rights in a world that already views me as less than?

If you enjoyed books like Medical Apartheid, 50 Things To Do Before You Deliver, The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy, or Birthing Justice, then you'll love Oh Sis, You're Pregnant!

Oh Sis, You're Pregnant!

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