Deliver with Delight this book uncovers interesting issues of the moment promoted by Notion Press in date 2020-03-10 referenced for you if you want book with category Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . this book uncovers interesting issues of the moment composed by Rakhi Kapoor, with count of page 256 Pages. you can see book review at here
Read Deliver with Delight Ten steps to having a healthy and happy pregnancy for free
ISBN: 9781646508815
Today’s fast-paced life with nuclear families has women multitasking and juggling several roles. Pregnancy demands that an expecting woman lead a healthy lifestyle in the best interest of her baby. Handling the normal routine of the day, along with the changes brought about by the pregnancy, can become physically demanding. Fatigue, lack of sleep and anxiety about childbirth can lead to irritability and mood swings. Taking care of a newborn, coupled with other responsibilities, can make a new mom feel exhausted and blue.
v Break the barriers of fears and myths about the pregnancy.
v Free yourself from the fear of labour pains.
v Take care of your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing during the pregnancy.
v Make sustainable, practical lifestyle changes for a happy and healthy pregnancy with this simple, practical and personalized book for every expecting woman.
The mother takes the seat alongside the creator when she delivers a new life. When the whole world rejoices at the birth of a baby, why should the mother who does all the hard work not be smiling through the whole process?
Deliver with delight!
Deliver with Delight
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