Pregnancy Companion a title book to read released by Laurel Glen in the year 2004 recommended to you if you search book about Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . a title book to read authored by John C. Anderson, Tom Boogert, Greg J. Kesby, with page count 192 Pages. You can read sort description at here
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ISBN: 9781592230884
Pregnancy and childbirth can be a confusing, demanding, and exhilarating period in a woman's life. In Pregnancy Companion, Dr. John C. Anderson addresses an expectant mother's concerns about her baby's and her own rapidly changing bodies. Medical information - on everything from baby's heartbeat to changes in the mother's sleep cycles - is combined with lifestyle tips, helpful lists, soothing photographs, and ultrasound images to present a complete guide to the course of a pregnancy.A lovely keepsake of 46 very special weeks, Pregnancy Companion is also a personal journal with a handy, spiral-bound format that facilitates writing in a chair or in bed. Every mother-to-be wants to remember the moment she feels her baby move, her first glimpse of an ultrasound, and the fun of choosing a name - here is room to record all those thoughts and feelings.
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