The Complete Guide to Creating Oils, Soaps, Creams, and Herbal Gels for Your Mind and Body a day shipping and buy book distribution by Atlantic Publishing Company on 2011 is very recommended for you if you find book with category Crafts & Hobbies / Candle Making, Health & Fitness / Beauty & Grooming, Health & Fitness / Alternative Therapies, Body, Mind & Spirit / General, . a day shipping and buy book writed by Marlene Jones, with page thickness 288 Pages. you can see book summary at here
Purchase The Complete Guide to Creating Oils, Soaps, Creams, and Herbal Gels for Your Mind and Body 101 Natural Body Care Recipes all pages
ISBN: 9781601383693
Your body is a temple one that has need of many different things that it normally does not get. The right mixture of oils, with the right amount of different minerals, vegetable, fruit, and plant extracts can provide the body and mind with a much needed, highly therapeutic boost that can have a myriad of different positive effects. With the health and wellness industry taking off in recent years, it has become apparent that Americans are highly interested in developing a keener relationship with their bodies, using oils and the like to improve everything from digestion to mental acuity.
This book will walk you through the seemingly complex, but realistically simple process of creating your own oils, soaps, creams, and gels, utilizing them effectively to boost your health both in mind and body. You will learn how to start recognizing scents and how they interact with each other in the form of oils for your body and mind. You will learn how to start buying and using essential oils and how to recognize the properties of various pure essential oils. You will learn which common and uncommon essential oils are out there and what they entail as well as how to start blending them. The various equipment you will need, carrier and base oils, and solutions and dilutions used are outlined for you here.
The top experts in aromatherapy and natural body care have been interviewed as well and alongside the recipes are a number of tips that help you to know exactly when and how to use each recipe, which variations you can make and what these various products can help you benefit from. You will learn how to create recipes for cleaning around your home and how to use essential oil mixtures for essential beauty, baths, bath salts, herbal baths, children s baths, foot baths, hand and nail care, hair oils, shampoos, rinses, and perfumes. Additional uses, including everything from oils for the elderly and sick to your pets are provided as well. No matter what you are using your oils and natural body products for, this book will help guide you through the process of creating and forming them.
Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president s garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advise. Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed.
The Complete Guide to Creating Oils, Soaps, Creams, and Herbal Gels for Your Mind and Body
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