Clinical Obstetrics the best book of the day official by JP Medical Ltd on 2018-01-31 is very recommended with you if you want book quote Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Internal Medicine, . the best book of the day made by Pushpa Mishra, Niharika Dhiman, Anjali Tempe, with count of page 290 Pages. you can see sort description at the bottom
Buy Clinical Obstetrics A Case-based Approach for free
ISBN: 9789352702749
This book is a complete guide to the diagnosis and management high risk pregnancy and associated disorders.
Presented as a series of question and answer case-based discussions, the thirty chapters cover many different disorders including diabetes, HIV, neurological disorders, renal diseases, multifetal pregnancy, antepartum haemorrhage, and much more.
The accompanying DVD ROM demonstrates general physical examination, obstetric examination, normal delivery, and low segment caesarean section.
The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables to assist learning.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to high risk pregnancy and associated disorders
- Presented as question and answer case-based discussions
- Includes DVD ROM demonstrating examination techniques and basic obstetric procedures
- Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Clinical Obstetrics
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